By Evan Vitale
The holiday rush is on!
Business, for some, tends to slow down this time of the year. Vacations, office parties, etc. You’ll even hear some prospects and clients saying “we’ll consider buying such and such in 2016.”
If things are getting a little quiet around your office, now might be the best time to start planning for 2016. Consider:
* Schedule brief meetings or lunch with your attorney, your banker and your accountant. Get their advice on how you can increase business in the coming year. Ask tax questions and see if there are any financing opportunities for purchasing new equipment or developing expansions.
* Plan your 2016 budget. Are there any extra funds available for new employee hires? Will you be increasing your marketing budget? Will product and service pricing stay the same or will you have to make adjustments?
* Employees, salaries and benefits should also be on your radar for 2016.
* Also, give consideration to equipment purchases or upgrades, software, furniture, office remodeling, signage, parking lot improvements (if any) and communication upgrades (telephone, Internet, cell phone services, etc.).
See? There’s plenty to keep you busy and productive if the holiday season has your office a little on the quiet side.
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