By Evan Vitale
In continuing our series on how to use various social media networks in conjunction with your business marketing plans, we’re going to take a look this week at Instagram.
Second to only Facebook, Instagram is starting to become the darling of social media and continues to earn more popularity amongst users month after month.
Instagram allows you to share photos or videos publicly (or privately) through its app or in conjunction with other social networks. For example, Facebook works very well with Instagram. Currently, there are over 75 million Instagram users from all over the world!
As we mentioned in our Facebook post last week, users love to view and share photographs and videos and, since a picture is worth a thousand words, Instagram helps you promote your business through a simple snap of a picture.
However, for some users, the big question always remains: “What kinds of photos do you take and share?”
A friend of mine is an Internet consultant who sells a service and not a product. Obviously, it’s very difficult to take a picture of a service. However, he takes pictures – and shares them on Instagram – of events, conferences, employees, lunch outings with staff, mascots, parades, weather…even a goofy picture here and there. Last year, at Christmas, he took and shared a silly picture of a plastic shark eating a stuffed squirrel. Guess what? That photo was shared over 125 times!
Every photo he takes and shares – even the goofy ones – gets more views; more shares and more followers. Many of these individuals then come to his website and might eventually become a client.
Remember, taking and sharing photos is fun. It might not seem like it’s marketing (at first), but the rewards from taking a sharing photos on Instagram is great!
Keep your phone charged up. Start practicing taking pictures and get ready to get involved in Instagram!